WHY CLEANSE? We all need a little detoxification once in a while. The world we live in is full of impurities (processed food, environmental pollution, chemicals) and our bodies can get bogged down with toxins and free radicals. These toxins slow our internal processes, both in body and mind, and can eventually produce symptoms of illness. A great way to give our bodies a break, increase energy, strengthen the immune system, balance hormones, and pack a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals and enzymes is with a juice cleanse. When you drink raw pressed juice, all the amazing micronutrients are easily absorbed straight into the bloodstream, freeing up extra energy to allow for deep healing. IG cleanses are designed to support your body in its own detox process while you go about your routine. A pressed juice cleanse will give your body a jumpstart, leaving you with clarity of mind and purity of body.
WHAT IS A JUICE CLEANSE? A juice cleanse is when you replace your regular food with raw, fresh cold-pressed juices and nut milks for your chosen period of time (1-6 days). These delicious drinks are made fresh and delivered to your door for your convenience. By drinking fresh fruits and vegetables we are giving our tired and worn out bodies an easy way to obtain an abundance of enzymes.
PRE CLEANSE? Preparing for a juice cleanse a few days before you begin is ideal. Everybody is different and will respond differently to the cleanse but it is possible that you could experience flu-like symptoms, headaches and digestive problems during your cleanse. However, if you prepare properly before your cleanse you can reduce those feelings by giving your body more time to adjust. Pre cleanse we suggest you take it easy, eat fresh, eat simple, eat whole foods. Try to eliminate all refined sugars, bread, pasta and white rice from your diet and also reduce and monitor the amounts of dairy and meat products in the coming days before you cleanse. Try to drink a lot of water to get your body use to the fluids.
DURING CLEANSE? Everybody has a different cleanse experience some people will experience highs, and others lows. This depends on your lifestyle habits and the level of toxins in your body, you could feel anywhere from energized, alert and vibrant to a bit flat, headachy, dizzy, and experience mood swings or nausea. These are all standard cleansing symptoms to be aware of due to the toxins in your body being shaken up. However, these are all great signs that your body is truly being detoxed! Your bodyʼs reaction to the cleanse also is a great indication of the levels of toxins your body needs to eliminate. Please seek medical advise if you experience any adverse reactions during your cleanse period. As you cleanse more often you can expect the symptoms to decrease as your body is getting rid of lots of those bad toxins and as they are removed from your body you will feel bright, shiny and happy! Please note Innerglow Goodness will not be held liable for any abnormal symptoms that could occur during your cleanse.
POST CLEANSE? Hooray! You have finished your cleanse! You should be very proud of yourself and feel amazing on the inside and out. When introducing foods back in to your diet, chew foods very will so they are easily digested, do not over eat to ʻmake upʼ for the last few days of juicing. If you do this not only will you feel mentally guilty you might physically feel unwell with cramps, headaches and bloating. Just enjoy not having to eat as much and try to transition your body in to a healthier long-term diet that includes regular healthy foods, raw fruits and vegetables, streamed vegetables, soups, juices, smoothies and lots of water.
RESULTS? Innerglow Goodness juice cleanses are designed to get you feeling great about your self on the inside and outside! Cleansing is the perfect way to influence weight-loss and transition you into a healthier diet. Your results from this cleanse may be that you have lost weight, have clarity of mind, loss of craving for sugar and other addictions, sleep better, have healthier skin, nails, and hair, feel more alert and have a re-energized outlook on life. You will notice these wonderful benefits develop more and more when they are placed with a healthy lifestyle and regular cleansing.
SHOULD I EXERCISE WHILE DOING A CLEANSE? Yes! Exercise is a great way to complement your detox cleanse, sweat can effectively eliminate almost thirty percent of all toxins built-up in the body. Therefore, it very important for you to move your body while doing a juice cleanse. However, we recommend low impact activities such as walking, swimming, yoga or Pilates as your calorie intake is a lot less than usual you may feel like you do not have sufficient energy. The best approach to your cleanse is that you listen to your body, exercise within your limits and get as much fresh air as possible.
WHAT DOES ʻRAWʼ JUICE MEAN? Our products are not pasteurised or pressure treated so they are considered raw products, and they have not been heated above 37 degrees. This means that more of the naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and enzymes are maintained within the product.
WHY HAS MY JUICE SEPERATED? As innerglows juices are100% raw and natural it means it contains no additives and no stabilisers. This means natural settling and separation will occur, however it is normal and is a good sign of a fresh and pure juice. All you need to do is give it a good shake before drinking all of the goodness.
CAN I EAT WHILE CLEANSING? Our juice cleanses are designed to give your body a rest from food. The benefits of a cleanse will be decreased if mixed with solid foods. However, if you are really struggling with a juice cleanse we encourage you to continue drinking the juice along with drink plenty of water, herbal teas and if you must then have a few nuts or a piece of fruit of vegetable.
CAFFEINE? If you drink caffeine daily your body would really enjoy a break from it! When you consume caffeine it needs to be detoxified by the liver, but as you are doing a detox this would give your liver extra work when it will already be working harder during your cleanse. If you cannot give up coffee on your cleansing days try substituting it with a decaf green tea or other decaf herbal tea. Another great option is to have is some lemon in hot water, and you can even add ginger too for added flavour. Push through without it, you can do it!
WATER? Drink lots of water before, during and after your cleanse. Drinking lots of water is going to help your body flush toxins from your system and also keep you hydrated after eliminations. Water is also a great way to settle those hunger pains.