Pre Cleanse Lymph Rituals for Deeper Detoxing


 Preparing your body physically and mentally before a cleanse is highly recommended if you wish to gain the full and ongoing benefits of your selected detox program.

Many physical and emotional concerns stem from lymph congestion in the body, so its ideal to create daily routines that naturally stimulate the movement of lymph through the body.  Naturally encouraging the body to open its lymphatic channels before a cleanse will assist in gaining balance and rejuvenation within.

There are many simply tools you can use as daily rituals to support the process of detoxification in the body:  

  • stay hydrated
  • meditation & breath work 
  • work on your gut health
  • move your body 
  • wear free flowing clothing  
  • daily self and dry brush massage

Lymphatic massage would be highly recommended prior to and following a cleanse.  One of the bodies key systems for clearing waste and maintaining circulation is the lymphatic system.  This system helps generate healthy functioning of the immune mechanisms, blood circulation and balance of bodily fluids. 

Lymph is a natural fluid in our body, that contains remnants of cell metabolism, including white blood cells, proteins, waste products, and other components of our immune system. Our body’s lymph nodes clean out bodily debri, and for this reason, we should ensure that the lymph passes through the largest number of nodes possible before returning to our circulatory system.

Lymph massage stimulates the body’s lymphatic system using light pressure and sequenced flowing movements.  This supports the movement of lymph from the nodes and through the tissues ensuring it is not accumulated in certain areas of the body.  By unclogging the lymphatic system the entire body can rid waste and toxins more readily and other systems such as the nervous system can be awakened to function more efficiently.

Results following a lymph massage can be immediate or take up to a week after the treatment.  Gentle exercise for 10-15 minutes is highly recommended afterwards to further assist in the removal of toxins.

 Benefits of Lymph Massage:

  • Improves your immune health
  • Reduce stress and migraines
  • Supports gut health (decrease bloating)
  • Relaxation and fights fatigue
  • Helps with healing following surgery
  • Skin health and appearance (shift cellulite & gain glowing skin)
  • Improves sleep
  • Supports chronic illness




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